DecisionEar is a decision support system delivering a collaborative, data-driven, web-based approach to enable rapid, evidence-based decision making. DecisionEar allows users to define a responsibility matrix (RACI, RASCI, CAIRO, ARCI etc) for each decision, and assign decision making rights and roles, set assessment criteria and then invite decision makers to finalise the decision.
DecisionEar can automatically generate reports, and email notifications and reminders to decision makers. DecisionEar allows you to share decisions in real-time, in a way that is both secure and accessible. Decision steps are logged and a full audit of the decision making process is available, with an archive kept of previous decisions.
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DecisionEar will revolutionise your decision-making! Just contact us to request a demo.
Clarify the decision-making process
Compare options and alternatives
Supplier Assessment
Auditable decisions
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